Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)
10:00 to Build to
Moderate-Heavy Snatch
Ideally – Squat Snatch, or low Catch Power Snatch
Technique over Weight
RX+ = Squat Snatch 83-86%
– Masters DB Snatch
WOD (4 Rounds for reps)
4 Sets
1:30 AMRAP
0:20 Max Cal Echo Bike
1:10 Max Burpees to Plate [45lbs]
[4:30 Rest]
RX+ = Burpee Box Jumps [24/30″]
– Groups of 3, Damper 8/10 for C2 Bike if needed
– Increasing the Sprint and the Burpee Interval this week
– Increase the complexity of the Burpee, jump to 45lb Plate
– Rest on Machine if possible, C2 Bike/Rower/Ski or actively walk around for recovery, aim is to Full Effort for 1:30 and actively recover between sets, not stand/sit
– BBJ, be wary on these, no wipe outs, no points for ripped up shins