Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
2:00-3:00 Bike/Row
All Slow and Controlled
10 Squat to Plate Press Out
10 Squatting T-Spine Rotations
10 Front Squats w/Full Grip
x 2
Front Squat (5:00 to Warm Up to 60%
Build over 4 Sets to 3RM
No big jumps after second set
WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
10 Sets
1:00 Work / 1:00 Rest [Alternating]
6/9 Row Cals
Burpee to Plate [45lbs]
7/10 Ski Cals
Burpee Box Jumps [20/24″]
Score is Number of Burpees to Plate or Box
Cap Machine work at 0:40