Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)
Gymnastics Pushing (No Measure)
Beginner HSPU
3 Sets
5 Top to Bottom Lower to Headstand
[Rest as needed]
3 Sets
Max Effort -1 Narrow Grip Push Ups
[Use Band assistance from Rig, NOT Knee push ups]
[Rest as needed]
Intermediate HSPU
[Have Some Reps]
4 Sets
2-5 Strict Handstand Push Ups
15-20 Prone Overhead Tricep Extensions
Banded overhead tricep extensions from prone – YouTube
1:00 Arm Extended Plank
[Rest as needed]
Advanced HSPU [Have 10+ Reps]
3 Sets
Ladder to -1
1 Wall Walk + 1 WF SHSPU, 2 Wall Walk + 2 WF SHSPU, etc
[Rest 2:00 between]
WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
In Groups of 3
15 Sets [Alternating w/Partners]
0:30 Max Effort Bike
0:45 Rest
0:30 Max Effort Shuttle Runs [18′]
0:45 Rest
0:30 Max Effort Alternating DB Snatch
0:45 Rest
5 Sets of each
Push the Bike Pace Hard Each Round
Use Heavier DB than your Open Weight
RX+ is Echo Bike
Score is Cals + Reps
Extra Credit (No Measure)
3 Sets
100m DB Overhead Carry / Side
[End of Tennis Court]
20-30 Banded Face Pulls