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CrossFit – Wed, Jun 12

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)

    WOD (Time)

    6 Rounds

    Waterfall Format

    200m Ski Erg

    12 Double DB Power Snatch

    8-12 Toes To Bar

    12 Deadlifts

    8-12 Burpees to Plate

    RX+ =35/50lb DB, 105/155lbs, Higher Rep Range

    Take note of Start time and take it off your Total time

    Accessory (Weight)

    3-4 Sets

    10 DB Deadlifts w/2″ Deficit

    [2020 Tempo]

    [Focus on Extra ROM and Glute Drive]

    12-15 GHD Hip Extensions


    0:45 Arch Hold

    15 Gliding Leg Curls


    25 Banded Hamstring Curls
