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CrossFit – Wed, Apr 3

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Barbell Warm Up W/Coach (No Measure)

    Clean and Jerk

    3 Sets

    1 Hang Muscle Clean

    1 Hang Power Clean

    1 Front Squat w/4 Second Ecc

    1 Split Jerk w/4 Second Catch

    Every 1:00 x 10

    2 Power Cleans + 1 Split Jerk

    Bar – Light-Moderate, Mechanics Work

    There should be no misses in training other than 1RM days

    Front Squat + Back Squat (Weight)

    Every 4:00 x 4

    5 Front Squats

    10 Back Squats

    65-70% of Front Squat

    Same weight for both, immediate transition upon racking the bar

    Accessory (No Measure)

    4 Rounds

    15-20 Half Sit Up w/Medball

    [Straight legs, arms always locked out, ball reaching to sky]

    20 Seated Leg Extensions from Bench