Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)
Bench (3 Rounds for weight)
Narrow Grip Bench Press
5-3-1 [Building]
3 x 1 Building to Max Effort
[Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets]
Set Up Slightly Narrower than normal
Control bar down, no bouncing, aiming for pure strength
Upper Accessory (Weight)
DB Skull Crushers
8 Sets of 8 – Building
Band Assisted Push Ups
8 Sets of 10-12
[1:00 Rest of less between sets]
If you feel like you need to add more mass and tricep strength, opt for Skull Crushers. If you feel like you get gassed on Burpees, Wallballs and upper body pressing in workouts, work on volume of push ups
WOD (2 Rounds for reps)
3:00 Work / 1:00 Rest x 2
36 Wallballs
AMRAP Hang Snatch
RX+ = 65/95lbs
Extra Credit (No Measure)
75 Prone Band Tricep Extensions
75 Standing Banded Crunch