Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
0:20 / 0:10 x 12
Down Dog to Updog
Scap Pull Ups
Push Ups w/Pause above ground
Band Passovers
WOD (Time)
3 Rounds for Time [15:00 Cap]
15 DB Shoulder to Overhead [35/50]
10 Burpee Pull Ups
3 Rope Climbs or 3 Rope Walks
400m Run
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 Ring Muscle Ups
1km C2 Bike
** C2 Bikes are for athletes completing RX+ first
Upper (Weight)
3 Sets
Max Barbell Bench Presses @ 80%
[AMRAP -1 on each set,
pause at chest 1 second]
[Rest 1:00]
3.2.1 Supinated Strict Pull Up –
Add Weight if possible
[Rest 0:20 between 3,2,1]
[Rest as needed]
Extra Credit (No Measure)
3 Sets
24 Banded Tricep Extensions
[Rest 1:30]