Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
50′ Knee Hug March
50′ Lunge to Lizard
50 Light Band Good Mornings
50′ Single Leg RDL to Kick
50′ Hurdle Walk Overs
50 Scap Push Ups from Elbow Plank
25′ Inch Worms
Deadlift from Riser (Weight)
From 4-5″ Riser
Build to Moderate to Challenging 6 Reps [70-75%]
Every 3:00 x 4
*reset on each rep
**Double Overhand Grip
Accessory (Checkmark)
Every 1:00 Alternating w/Partners x 9-12 [0:30 Transition]
200′ Shuttle Run
Plank IRT
16 Alternating V-Ups
Handstand Hold IRT
12 Sprawls
Wall Sit IRT
[Shuttle is 4 x 25′ out and back]