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CrossFit – Tue, May 7

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    0:25 Work / 0:05 Transition x 8


    Band Pull Aparts

    Squatting Alternating T-Spine Rotations

    DB Windmills [Alt Sides per round]

    Weighted Pull-ups

    Every 2:00 for 5 Rounds


    Build to Max Strict Pull Up


    5 Strict Pull Ups at HARD progression

    and 10-15 Banded Lat Push Downs

    6:00 AMRAP for Quality

    0:10 Chin Over Bar Hold

    0:20 Hollow Rock

    0:20 Single Arm Plank / Side

    10 Deficit Push Ups [Can use band]

    WOD (5 Rounds for time)

    5 Rounds EACH for Time

    **Alternate Full Rounds with Partner

    24 Plate Ground to Overhead [25/45]

    12 DB Bench Press

    9 Bar Facing Burpees


    12/15 Cal Ski

    12 DB Bench Press [35/50+]

    9 Bar Facing Burpees
    – Bench weight should be in two sets of less, not light

    Newer athletes – Plate Ground to Overhead to keep intensity higher