Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
Barbell Warm Up w/Coach
Starting with PVC/Dowel, moving through all positions then moving to Empty Bar
Snatch (Weight)
Every 1:30 x 10
[Recommend Alternate w/Partner]
1 Segmented Snatch Pull
3 Hang Snatch
Keep Barbell Light – No Misses
Reminder – Missing often ingrains BAD habits and loss of confidence
A lot of new lifters in classes lately. Opt for Powers for newer lifters
yet to gain ROM for Squat Snatch, otherwise Squat Snatch is aim
WOD (Time)
Teams of 2
Divide Work Evenly – One Athlete Working at a time
90/60 Cal Row
8 Rounds
[Alt Movements w/Partner]
10 Hang Power Snatch [55/75lbs]
3 Wall Walks
5/7 Cal Bike
[Rx + = 15 Hang Power Snatch + Echo Bike]