Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
Banded Shoulder Warm Up w/Coach
Ring Dips (Weight)
Every 0:45 x 9
3 Ring Dips @ Challenging Progression
[Alternate w/Partner]
– Try to use same progression as last week
3 Sets of Max Reps at 50% of 3RM
[AMRAP -1 on each set]
[Rest 2:00]
Strict Handstand Push Ups (3 Rounds for reps)
Using same progression as last week
3 Sets for Max Reps
MUST be done at 32X3 Tempo
– This means 3 Seconds Down, 2 Second Pause, Up, 3 Second hold at top. If this can not be maintained,
your set is over
[Rest 2:00 between sets]
WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 2 – Alternate Movements
17:00 AMRAP
8/12 Cal Bike
9 Toes To Bar
6 Box Jump Overs [20/24″]
RX + = Echo
– Goal is Hard but Sustainable pace
– Step Down on all Box Jump Overs