Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
12 Band Passovers
20 Band Pull Aparts
12 Scap Push Ups
20 Band Pull Aparts
12 Banded Strict Press – Control
Ring Dips (AMRAP – Reps)
Every 1:00 x 9
6 Ring Dips @ Challenging Progression
[Share Rings w/Partner]
3 Sets of Max Reps at 60% of 3RM
[AMRAP -1 on each set]
[Rest 2:00]
WOD (6 Rounds for reps)
2:00 Work / 2:00 Rest x 6 [Alternating]
Upper Endurance
8/12 Cal Row
25 Double Unders
AMRAP Strict Handstand Push Ups / DB Strict Press
8/12 Cal Ski
25 CrossOver Single Unders
AMRAP Line Facing Burpees
RX+ = 12/15 Cals – 50 Skips
– Push the ‘Buy in’ movements hard
– Partner Up, 2:00 Athlete A,
2:00 Athlete B, then switch
with a second pairing
Extra Credit (No Measure)
3 Sets
0:15 Hollow Body Hold
Max Hollow Rocks
[Rest 1:00]
0:15 Arch Body Hold
Max Arch Rocks
[Rest 2:00]