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CrossFit – Tue, Jan 9

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    Barbell Warm Up w/Coach

    Enderton Squat Complex (Weight)

    Every 2:00 x 5

    2 Enderton FS Complex

    at 40% of Front Squat

    – Front Squat w/3 sec Pause

    – Front Squat w/Double Bounce

    – Front Squat
    -Start conservative as we add +1 Front Squat next week and start

    building on Complex

    WOD (Weight)

    Every 3:00 for 4 Rounds

    200m Run

    6-4-2-2 Power Clean

    Build over 4 Rounds to Heavy Double

    Shorten run to ensure you make it back to the bar in 1:00-1:15

    Accessory (No Measure)

    4 Sets

    0:40 Hollow Hold + Flutter kick

    20 Russian Twist w/KB

    0:30 Side Plank / Side