Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
0:20 Work x 12
Bottoms Up KB Snatch
Bottoms Up KB Snatch
Split Squat Hold
Split Squat Hold
Scap Push Up
Down Dog
Strict Press (Weight)
Every 1:45 x 8 [Alternating]
Odd :- 16 Toe Elevated
RDLs with DBs [3111]
+ 12 Band Pull Throughs
Even:- 3 Strict Press + 6 Push Press
and 15 Band Pull Aparts
*aim for 5-10lbs heavier than previous weeks
Score is Strict Press
WOD (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM x 18
1] AMRAP Rope Climbs
2] AMRAP Wall Walks
3] Rest
4] AMRAP Cal Bike
5] AMRAP Wall Walks
6] Rest
RX+ = Echo Bike
Score is number of Climbs, Wall Walks, Cals added together
Sub for Rope Climbs today is Floor to Standing Rope Climb
Get into groups of 3-4 to share Equipment