Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
100m Run
Mini Plank Clock / Side
30 Mini Band Pull Aparts
0:20 Active Bar Hang
Gymnastics Pulling (No Measure)
EMOM x 18
1] 0:15 Pulling Progression
2] 0:15 Banded High Rows
3] 0:15 Hollow Hold
Increase by 0:05 every completed round, ending at 0:40 on the last round
Beginner – Chin Up Hold/Ring Row
Intermediate – Beat Swing + Kip / Banded Pull Up
Advanced – Strict/Kipping/Chest To Bar
Similar to 2 Weeks ago – Ensure you choose a progression thats challenging to start and if it gets too much, drop down to easier progression. Key is to keep moving for the work periods
WOD (Time)
For Time
40 Box Jump Overs [20/24]
30 DB Deadlifts
20 Burpees Over DB
400m Run
20 Burpees Over DB
30 DB Deadlifts
40 Box Jump Overs [20/24]
Athletes MUST step down on Box Jump Overs
RX+ = 60/40/20 Reps
35/50lb DBs
Little Chipper with some big numbers at the start and end
Pace the first part smart to be able to continuously move through the second part with minimal rest
Extra Credit (No Measure)
100 Banded Hammer Curls