Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
10 Shoulder Rolls / Direction
5 Arm Circles / Side / Direction
10 Scap Pull Ups
0:20 Down Dog
0:20 Hollow Rock
20 Alternating Standing Toe Touch
5 V-Ups
Toes To Bar (Time)
Got None
10-12 Sets
3 Arch to Hollow Swings +
3 Arch to Knee Tuck +
3-5 Half Toes To Bar / V-Ups +
3 Arch to Knee Tuck +
3 Arch to Hollow Swings
– Take Steps out if too much and add in more V-Ups
Got Some
0:30 Work / 0:30 Rest until 50 Reps
– No Double Kips, if so, do Option 1
Accessory (No Measure)
EMOM x 12
1] 0:10-15 Ring to Chest Iso Hold
RX+ = High Rings
2] 0:10-15 Bent Arm Pull Up Iso Hold
or 10-15 Double DB Rows
3] 0:30 Tuck Rock
Accessory (No Measure)
For Quality
35-50 Diamond Push Ups
35-50 Ring Rows
15-25 Diamond Push Ups
15-25 Ring Rows
– Scale to challenging position