Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
Squat Warm Up w/Coach
Front Squat (Weight)
Every 3:00 x 3
Set 1 – Warm Up Round
Sets 2 and 3 –
12 Reps at 60%
AMRAP Box Step Ups Until 1:30
Newer Athletes – No DB on Box Step Up
RX+ = 20/24″ Box + 35/50lb DB [Single]
Hold DB Anyhow
WOD (Calories)
6 Rounds [30:00]
1:00 Echo Bike Cals
1:00 Row Cals
1:00 C2 Bike Cals
1:00 Ski Cals
1:00 Rest
Double Bike this week as it is the machine that takes the most energy. Keep the Damper Fairly High [suggested 8/10] and keep pushing this week to keep max sustainable calories per round
As always – get into groups based off Seat height on bikes and transition at 0:50