Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)
Handstand Push Ups (No Measure)
3 Sets
0:10-0:40 Tripod Headstand
[Rest as needed]
Handstand Push Up Negatives
Accumulate 10-12 Reps
w/5 Second Eccentric
[Rest as needed between reps to maintain tempo]
– This can be done on the wall, from a box, from a box to a deficit etc. Make it very challenging
3 Sets
8 DB Z-Press into 0:08-0:10 Iso Hold
[Rest 1:00]
Max Effort Piked HSPU – Go to Failure
[Rest 3:00]
RX+ = Sub Piked HSPU for Wall Facing or Strict
WOD (No Measure)
20:00 On Machine of Choice
Keep HR @ 75-80%
Every 2:00 –
0:30 AMRAP of
Rope Climbs or
Movement of Choice
– Choose a movement that you feel you need to be more efficient at
Suggestions –
– Overhead Squat – Dowel/PVC or Bar
– Wall Walk Speed
– Pullup/T2B if not doing Fran Tomorrow
– Single Leg Squats