Train West Van – CrossFit
Dynamic Barbell Warm Up w/Coach [5:00] (AMRAP – Reps)
Power Clean Complex (Weight)
10:00 to Build to
3 Touch N Go Power Cleans +
3 Hang Power Cleans
5 Sets of 1.1.1
[Rest as needed between sets]
Building up to 85% of Heaviest Recent Single
All reps must be completed in 0:15 Window
Extra Credit (Weight)
4 Sets
10-15 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
– Use Band if needed
[Rest 1:00]
6-8 Romanian Deadlifts
[Rest 2:00]
– Use a weight you would have 1-2 Reps left in the tank with
Extra Credit (Weight)
4 Sets
10-15 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
– Use Band if needed
[Rest 1:00]
6-8 Romainian Deadlifts
[Rest 2:00]
– Use a weight you would have 1-2 Reps left in the tank with