Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
6/6 KB Windmills
12 Scap Push Ups
[Deep from Knees]
10 Dowel Dislocates working into Squat
Snatch (Weight)
3 Sets w/empty bar
4 Behind the Neck Push Jerks [Snatch Grip]
-working into deeper catch each set
[0:30 between sets]
3 Sets increasing weight
[max 50%]
4 High Hang Squat Snatch
– 3 Second Pause in Catch
[1:00 between sets]
Every 2:30 x 5
2 Snatch Pull +
2 Below The Knee Hang Squat Snatch
-technically challenging sets
Technically Challenging does not mean Heavy, hold good positions
3 Rounds (AMRAP – Reps)
1:00 Bar Pull Overs / Strict Pull Ups
[0:30 Transition]
1:00 Skipping Of Choice
[0:30 Transition]
1:00 Wall Walks
[0:30 Transition]
1:00 Hollow Hold/Rock
[0:30 Transition]
– Quality of Movement practice
– Double Under/CrossOver Singles or Doubles Practice
– Wall Walks, ensure both hands do not move before feet are both on wall
Score – Wall Walks + Bar Pull Overs/Strict Pull Ups