Train West Van – CrossFit
Group Stretch w/Coach (No Measure)
Rope Climbs (No Measure)
12:00 Practice
Choose Either
For Quality
2 Seated L-Sit Climbs to 13′
4 Legless Rope Climbs
6 Rope Climbs
Legless Rope Climb Practice
Pull Ups (Weight)
EMOM Alternating x 12
1] 8-12 Beat Swings
– Try to increase range of motion
2] 0:30 Max Effort Ring Rows At
challenging Progression
3] 0:30 Straight Arm Hollow Plank
RX+ = Build to 3RM Chin Up
Incline Bench (Weight)
3 Sets of 10 Reps
[Build over 3 Sets – Leave 2 Reps in the tank]
[Rest 2:00 between]
Extra Credit (No Measure)
4 Sets
8-10 Seated DB Strict Press
[Rest 0:45]
8-10 DB Hammer Curls [30X1 Tempo]
[Rest 0:45]