Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
2:00 Machine Of Choice
8:00 Jump Rope Practice
Single Unders, Double Unders, CrossOver Single Unders, CrossOver Double Unders, Triple Unders
WOD (3 Rounds for time)
3 Sets For Times
Alternate w/Partners [In 3’s]
12 Double DB Clean and Jerk [20/35]
9 DB Thrusters
12/15 Cal Ski
9 DB Thrusters
12 Double DB Clean and Jerk
Rest 2:1
Aim is to go Unbroken on all the DB Movements due to the longer rest
RX+ = Sub Ski for 9 Bar Muscle Ups
Accessory (No Measure)
100 Straight Arm Banded Push Downs
100 Cable Tricep Extensions
Get with a partner or group and share Cable Machine
Use a Weight you can do a set of 20 Fresh but not too easy