Train West Van – CrossFit
Barbell Warm Up w/Coach (No Measure)
Hang Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch (Weight)
5:00 Warm Up
3 Sets
1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch [85-95%]
[Rest as needed]
Newer Athletes – perform same complex but stay light and rest 1:00 between sets, no more
than 10 Sets of Practice
WOD (Time)
Alternating Full Rounds w/Partner
3 Rounds
10/14 Cal Bike
12 Thrusters
25-50 Double Unders
8/12 Cal Bike
3 Rounds
10/14 Cal Bike
12 Shoulder to Overhead
10 Box Jump Overs [20/24″]
8/12 Cal Bike
– Lower Cals to 8/10 and 6/8 if not able to complete Cals in under 0:45
RX+ = 65/95lbs then 95/135lbs
Extra Credit (Weight)
2 Sets
2.2.2 Weighted Ring Dips [0:10 between]
0:30 Weighted Ring Support
[Rest 3:00]