With the gym becoming busier within the last few months and still growing (Thank you everyone) we will be adding on additional coaches when needed during busy classes. Class capacity is generally set at 16 per class. However I will increase this capacity based on
- Demand
- The Workout itself
- Coach Availability
For these reasons, Please ensure you are signing into class as early as you can. Sign ups are open 7 Days in advance of the class, this will help the coaches a lot. Of course, try and limit late cancellations to allow for other athletes who wish to book that class an easier time.
Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)
Push Press
Every 1:30 x 6
5 Reps @ 50-60%
– Must Be Touch and Go Reps
– Aggressive Lock Out
– Take Barbell from Floor
– Share with Team
Team WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 3
AMRAP 11:00
9 Wall Walks
18 Clean and Jerks [85/115lbs]
[Rest 2:00]
AMRAP 11:00
18 Ring Dips
36 Wallballs
RX+ = 9 Ring Muscle Ups
105/155lb Clean and Jerk