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CrossFit – Sat, Jul 6

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Barbell Warm Up w/Coach (No Measure)

    Snatch (Weight)

    With Slow Pull from Floor [2 Seconds]

    8 Sets of 1 @ 65-80%

    Focus is on Quality Reps and patience off floor, staying over the bar

    WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

    20:00 AMRAP

    Teams of 2

    2 Rounds

    16 DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters

    8-16 Ring Muscle Ups / Ring Dips

    2 Rounds

    16 Devil Press

    32 Pistols

    [8’s Per Leg, Not Alternating]

    RX+ = Ring Muscle Up + 35/50lb DBs