Train West Van – CrossFit
Barbell Warm Up w/Coach (No Measure)
Using either Barbell or Dowel
5-10 Reps
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Press
BTN Snatch Grip Push Jerk
Snatch Balance
Good Mornings
Hip Power Snatch
Hang Power Snatch
10-20 Seconds Overhead Squat Pause
Full Snatch w/Controlled Lift Off
Snatch Complex (Weight)
Snatch Pull + Snatch = 1 Rep
Set 1 = 4 Complexes at 77-84%
Set 2 = 3 Complexes at 77-84%
Set 3 = 3 Complexes at 77-84%
Set 4 = 2 Complexes at 77-84%
– Drop and Quick reset between Pull and Snatch
– Rest 10 Seconds between reps
– Squat Snatch if possible
WOD (Time)
Teams of 2
Complete 3 Full Rounds Each
12/15 Cal Row
10 DB Shoulder to Overhead
10 DB Front Squats
Complete 3 Full Rounds Each
12/15 Bike Erg / Echo Bike
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 DB Box Step Ups
RX+ = 15 Reps across
Handstand Push Ups [35/50]
[20/24″ 35/50lbs]
This week is a short de-load from dense gymnastics with some mixed intervals
Focus is still on movement speed this week with 1:1 rest with partner allowing that