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CrossFit – Mon, May 6


    Programming going forward will be Training Think Tank Compete/RX

    I [Rob] Personally have been following this for 3 Years and have seen great results, while implementing that style of training as much as Class allows within the last few years. As many of you know, we also utilize the Conjugate Strength Philosophy and we have been adding that into class as well [Variations on Heavy Single Reps of Upper and Lower body movements, up-to Triples, Alongside Dynamic Upper and Lower Days]

    With a Competitive Training programme, which many of you enjoy, I have added in ‘Extra Credit’ Work to be done outside of class, this can be done before or after class, providing it is away from the Class that is in session.

    Once a week – I will be also adding in Progressions on certain movements under ‘Skill/Additional Work’ Tab

    PS. As Classes become busier, lets ensure we are always working as a team, help each other load/unload bars, communicate about Space, Sign up in advance. You are all Amazing, Thank you!

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    3:00 Machine Of Choice

    2 Sets w/Coach Guiding

    10 Frog Pumps [2 Seconds at Top]

    10 KB/DB Goblet Squats w/3030 Tempo

    0:30 Plank

    [Work way to wider stance during the Goblet Squats]

    Sumo Deadlift

    5-3-1 [Building]


    3 x 1 Building to Max Effort

    [Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets]

    **Lower bar to floor with control, aim to not make a sound while building

    3 x Max Effort Sets – Drop Bar

    This should NOT take more than 20:00

    WOD (AMRAP – Rounds)

    [Alternating w/Partner]

    EMOM x 4 [4 Rounds]

    1] 12/15 Cal Row

    2] 15 DB Snatch [Same Arm]

    – Cap Rounds at 45 Seconds

    [Rest 2:00]

    E2MOM x 6 [3 Rounds]

    1] 20/25 Cal Row

    2] 30 Alternating DB Snatch

    – Cap Rounds at 1:45 Seconds

    [Rest 2:00]

    At 20:00

    800m Run for Time

    Recommended DB would be what you typically use in the Open

    35/50 or 20/35
    Record Rounds Completed and note times if you wish

    Run Score record Separate Below

    800m Run (Time)

    Max Effort 800m Run

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    3 Sets

    10/10 Extended Range Box Step Ups

    [Slow and Controlled – Glute Focused]

    12-15 Seated Calf Raises

    [Place DB on Lap If needed]

    15-20 Banded Hamstring Curls

