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CrossFit – Mon, May 27

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Warm Up (No Measure)

    8/8 Wrist Rolls

    8 Kneeling Wrist Rocks Forward/Back

    8 w/Hands Turned Out

    8 w/Hands Rotated Backward

    8 w/Hands Linked Back to Floor

    8 Push Up [Exaggerate to Hollow at top]

    8 Pike to Toe Touch

    8/8 Shoulder Tap Slow

    Ring Dip (Weight)

    Technique + Progression Review

    [RX+ go and warm up]

    Every 1:00 x 6

    5 Ring Dips @ Challenging Progression

    [Alternate w/Partner]


    8:00 to Build to 3RM Weighted Dip

    [9/10 RPE, Don’t push to failure]
    Record Progression in Comments

    Strict Handstand Push Ups (AMRAP – Reps)

    Every 1:00 x 6

    5 SHSPU @ Challenging Progression

    [Alternate w/Partner off Box or on Wall]

    [ Full Pause at bottom – no bouncing]


    2:00 Warm Up

    AMRAP 4:00

    Strict Handstand Push Ups
    Record Progression in Comments

    WOD (Time)

    4 Rounds for Time

    400m Run

    24/30 Cal Bike


    400m Run

    24/30 Cal Row
    We are looking for pure endurance Test today. This will be re-tested in 8 weeks.

    Be Sure to note your score so

    you are able to compare in 8 weeks time and use the same machine paired with the run

    RX+ Echo Bike

    To Ensure Intensity is kept, can be done as Team

    Hold Max Sustainable pace, each round should be similar time, some drop off is to be expected,

    but try and leave your ‘kick’ to the end

    Extra Credit (No Measure)

    3 Sets

    10 Hollow Rocks

    10-15 Second Hollow Hold

    [1:00 Rest]

    10 Arch Rocks

    10-15 Second Arch Hold

    [1:00 Rest]