Train West Van – CrossFit
Barbell Warm Up w/Coach (No Measure)
Snatch + Overhead Squat (Weight)
Snatch + Overhead Squat Complex
= 1 Rep
6 Sets [Waves]
3 Reps + 1 Additional Overhead Squat
2 Reps + 1 Additional Overhead Squat
1 Rep + 1 Additional Overhead Squat
3 Reps + 1 Additional Overhead Squat
2 Reps + 1 Additional Overhead Squat
1 Rep + 1 Additional Overhead Squat
[Rest 1:00-2:00 Between Sets]
Squat Snatch Is Preferable, if mobility does not allow that yet, Aim for Catching Deeper In a Power Snatch
over the course of the Waves
If unable to Overhead Squat comfortably, Perform the required number of Power Snatches followed by double the number in Wall Facing Squats for Upright Position work
WOD (Time)
Teams of 2
4 Rounds for Time [Each]
400m Run
Max Cal Bike
One athlete Runs 400m, The other bikes for MAX Cals. 4 Rounds of each. Score is Time taken – Calories in
Can be done with Rower for classes Bigger than 16
Extra Credit (Weight)
3 Sets of
12 Single Arm DB Shoulder Press
[Rest 0:30 Between Sides]
[Rest 2:00 Between Sets]