Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
2 Sets
10 Banded Face Pulls
10 BTN Band Pull Downs
10 Straight Arm Push Downs
50 Pull Aparts
WOD (Checkmark)
Every 1:30 x 20
8/10 Cal Bike
1 “Players Choice”
– Choices are Pulling Movements
Rope Climb
Legless Rope Climb
3-5 Chest To Bar Pull Ups
1-3 BMU
1-3 Ring Muscle Ups
Pull Up Progression – Under 0:15
*W/Partner, Stagger by 0:45
**30:00 WOD
Athletes who feel less powerful on the Bike can go every 2:00 for 15 Rounds
as long as they have a partner doing the same
Score – Write Progression in comments
Cool Down (No Measure)
1:00 Lat Stretch / Side
0:30 Bicep Floss / Side
x 2-3