Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up – Coaches Choice (No Measure)
Handstand Push Ups (No Measure)
Beginner HSPU
3 Sets of 0:20-0:30 Tripod Headstand
[Rest as needed]
OR/Then – Accumulate 20 Top to Bottom Lower to Headstand
Intermediate HSPU
[Have Some Reps]
6 Sets
2-5 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
5 DB Shoulder to Overhead
[Rest 1-1]
Advanced HSPU [Have 10+ Reps]
1 Max Effort Set SHSPU
[Rest 2:00]
3 x 50% of Max Effort Set
[Rest 2:00 between]
If 50% reps are easy, add in Banded Strict Press Burnout Set to Failure
WOD (3 Rounds for time)
For Times
3 Sets [Alternate Full w/Partner]
18/24 Cal Bike
15 Shoulder to Overhead [65/95lbs]
12 Goblet Reverse Lunges [35/53]
RX+ [80/115lbs] [Echo Bike]
Movements after the bike should be unbroken, Start strong on the bike and ease off last 3-4 Cals to be able to go unbroken with quick transitions