Train West Van – CrossFit
Warm Up (No Measure)
3 Rounds
1:00 Speed Steps [Jump rope]
0:30 Banded Good Mornings
0:30 Wall Sit
0:30 Plank
Romanian Deadlift (Weight)
3 x 12 RDL [Building]
[1:00 between sets]
Use this as a Primer for the Hamstrings for the regular Deadlift
Deadlift (Deadlift x 3 [8/10 RPE]
3 x 3 @ 85-90% of the Heavy set)
Accessory (No Measure)
4 Sets
12-15 Banded Russian Swings
8 Three Point DB Row per side
[w/3111 Tempo]
20-25 Banded Hamstring Curls
2:00 Row for Technique Practice