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CrossFit – Fri, Apr 12

    Train West Van – CrossFit

    Barbell Warm Up w/Coach (No Measure)

    Clean and Jerk (Weight)

    With Partner

    5 Reps @ Light Weight

    3 Reps @ Increased Weight

    1 Rep @ Increased Weight

    3 Waves for Quality Reps

    Waves example –

    5 @ 55lbs – 3 @ 75lbs – 1 @ 95lbs

    5@ 75lbs – 3@95lbs – 1 @ 115lbs
    Record Heaviest Weight – Aim is slightly heavier than Workout Weight

    WOD (Time)

    Teams of 2

    Divide Work Evenly – One Athlete Working at a time – Run Together

    3 Rounds for Time

    200m Run

    12 Squat Clean and Jerks

    24 Toes To Bar


    3 Rounds for Time

    6 Rope Climbs

    24 Pistols

    200m Run

    Scale Pistols to Goblet Box Step Ups

    RX+ = 125/185lb Barbell
    For Space – Boxes Near TV Screen for ease of access to KBs and keep group in one spot to allow for Ropes and Barbells

    Echo Bikes Against Rowers